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Madonna - Angel

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Dalam posting kali ini  Ritmisdinamis akan mengulas chord dan lirik lagu Angel yang dinyanyikan oleh Madonna           

Dm7  Em7               F
Why am I        stand-in' on a cloud
Dm7   Em7       F
Every time     you're a-round
Dm7       Em7   F
And my sad-ness dis-ap-pears
Dm7 Em7        F
Every time   you  are  near


Dm7         Em7           F
You must  be an an-gel
Dm7    Em7         F
I can see    it in      your eyes
Dm7     Em7       F
Full of wonder and  sur-prise
Dm7    Em7 F
And just now  I  re-al-ize
Dm7         Em7                 F
Oooh         you're an an-gel
Dm7         Em7                 F
Oooh         you're an an-gel
Dm7         Em7                 F
Oooh         you're an an-gel
Dm7 Em7         F
In dis-guise,        I can see it in your eyes
Walking down a crowded avenue
Other faces seem like nothing next to you
And I can't hear the traffic rushing by
Just the pounding of my heart and that's why

{Chorus, repeat}

Dm7  Em7                F
You're an an-gel
Dm7  Em7                F
You're an an-gel, baby

Dm7  Em7                F
You're an an-gel
Dm7         Em7           F
You must  be an an-gel

Dm7      Em7         F
Now  I       be-lieve  that dreams come true
Dm7          Em7      F
'Cause you   came when  I  wished for you
Dm7          Em7       F
This just   can't   be    co-in-cidence
Dm7  Em7       F
The only   way  that this makes sense is that

{Chorus, repeat}

Blog, Updated at: 01.27

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