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U2 - All I Want Is You

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Dalam posting kali ini  Ritmisdinamis akan mengulas chord dan lirik lagu All I Want Is You   yang dinyanyikan oleh U2 

A         D
You say you want
A                      D
Diamonds on a ring of gold
A        D
You say you want
A                D
Your story to remain untold
F#m          D
But all the promises we made
F#m                D
A      D      A  D  A  D
When all I want is you
A              D
You say you'll give me
A                      D
A highway with no one on it
A                          D
Treasure just to look upon it
A                  D
All the riches in the night
A              D
You say you'll give me
A                     D
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A                   D
A river in a time of dryness
A                  D
A harbour in the tempest
F#m          D
But all the promises we make
F#m                D
A      D      A  D A
When all I want is you
D   A
You say you want
A                     D
Your love to work out right
A                             D
To last with me through the night
A         D
You say you want
A                        D
Diamonds on a ring of gold
A                  D
Your story to remain untold
A                D
Your love not to grow colD
F#m           D
All the promises we break
F#m             D
D      A  D A
When all I want is you

Blog, Updated at: 06.00

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