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Elvis Presley - I Want You I Need You I Love You Chords

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Posting kali ini  akan mengulas chord dan lirik lagu I Want You I Need You I Love You yang dinyanyikan oleh Elvis Presley

INTRO:  Dm  G7  C  G#m  G

C              Am             Dm                G7
Hold me close, hold me tight, make me thrill with de - light
C            C7             F
Let me know where I stand from the start
Fm                       Am   A7
I want you, I need you, I love you
D7       G
With all my heart

C                Am            Dm           G7
Every time that you're near, all my cares disa - ppear
C              C7          F
Darling you're all that I'm living for
Fm                       Am    A7
I want you, I need you,  I love you
D7    G    C
More and  more

Gm7             C7            F
I thought I could live without  romance
Gm7       C7      F
U – u - until you came to me
Am7    D         G         Em
But now I know, that I will go on
Am7          D     G   G7
Loving you eternally

C            Am          Dm          G7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
C         C7              F
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Fm                        Am   A7
I want you, I need you, I love you
D7    G   C
With all   my  heart

Gm7             C7            F
I thought I could live without  romance
Gm7       C7      F
U – u - until you came to me
Am7    D         G         Em
But now I know, that I will go on
Am7          D     G   G7
Loving you eternally

C              Am          Dm           G7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
C          C7            F
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Fm                        Am  A7
I want you, I need you, I love you
D7     G   C
With all   my heart

INTRO:  Em  A7  D  A#m  A

D              Bm             Em                A7
Hold me close, hold me tight, make me thrill with de - light
D            D7             G
Let me know where I stand from the start
Gm                       Bm   B7
I want you, I need you, I love you
E7       A
With all my heart

D                Bm            Em           A7
Every time that you're near, all my cares disa - ppear
D              D7          G
Darling you're all that I'm living for
Gm                       Bm    B7
I want you, I need you,  I love you
E7    A    D
More and  more

Am7             D7            G
I thought I could live without  romance
Am7       D7      G
U – u - until you came to me
Bm7    E         A         F#m
But now I know, that I will go on
Bm7          E     A   A7
Loving you eternally

D            Bm          Em          A7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
D         D7              G
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Gm                        Bm   B7
I want you, I need you, I love you
E7    A   D
With all   my  heart

Am7             D7            G
I thought I could live without  romance
Am7       D7      G
U – u - until you came to me
Bm7    E         A         F#m
But now I know, that I will go on
Bm7          E     A   A7
Loving you eternally

D              Bm          Em           A7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
D          D7            G
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Gm                        Bm  B7
I want you, I need you, I love you
E7     A   D
With all   my heart

INTRO:   F#m B7  E  Cm   B

E              C#m            F#m               B7
Hold me close, hold me tight, make me thrill with de - light
E            E7             A
Let me know where I stand from the start
Am                       C#m  C#7
I want you, I need you, I love you
F#7      B
With all my heart

E                C#m           F#m          B7
Every time that you're near, all my cares disa - ppear
E              E7          A
Darling you're all that I'm living for
Am                       C#m   C#7
I want you, I need you,  I love you
F#7   B    E
More and  more

Bm7             E7            A
I thought I could live without  romance
Bm7       E7      A
U – u - until you came to me
C#m7   F#        B         G#m
But now I know, that I will go on
C#m7         F#    B   B7
Loving you eternally

E            C#m         F#m         B7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
E         E7              A
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Am                        C#m  C#7
I want you, I need you, I love you
F#7   B   E
With all   my  heart

Bm7             E7            A
I thought I could live without  romance
Bm7       E7      A
U – u - until you came to me
C#m7   F#        B         G#m
But now I know, that I will go on
C#m7         F#    B   B7
Loving you eternally

E              C#m         F#m          B7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
E          E7            A
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Am                        C#m C#7
I want you, I need you, I love you
F#7    B   E
With all   my heart

INTRO:   Gm  C7  F  Dbm  C

F              Dm             Gm                C7
Hold me close, hold me tight, make me thrill with de - light
F            F7             Bb
Let me know where I stand from the start
Bbm                      Dm   D7
I want you, I need you, I love you
G7       C
With all my heart

F                Dm            Gm           C7
Every time that you're near, all my cares disa - ppear
F              F7          Bb
Darling you're all that I'm living for
Bbm                      Dm    D7
I want you, I need you,  I love you
G7    C    F
More and  more

Cm7             F7            Bb
I thought I could live without  romance
Cm7       F7      Bb
U – u - until you came to me
Dm7    G         C         Am
But now I know, that I will go on
Dm7          G     C   C7
Loving you eternally

F            Dm          Gm          C7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
F         F7              Bb
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Bbm                       Dm   D7
I want you, I need you, I love you
G7    C   F
With all   my  heart

Cm7             F7            Bb
I thought I could live without  romance
Cm7       F7      Bb
U – u - until you came to me
Dm7    G         C         Am
But now I know, that I will go on
Dm7          G     C   C7
Loving you eternally

F              Dm          Gm           C7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
F          F7            Bb
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Bbm                       Dm  D7
I want you, I need you, I love you
G7     C   F
With all   my heart

INTRO:  Am  D7  G  D#m  D

G              Em             Am                D7
Hold me close, hold me tight, make me thrill with de - light
G            G7             C
Let me know where I stand from the start
Cm                       Em   E7
I want you, I need you, I love you
A7       D
With all my heart

G                Em            Am           D7
Every time that you're near, all my cares disa - ppear
G              G7          C
Darling you're all that I'm living for
Cm                       Em    E7
I want you, I need you,  I love you
A7    D    G
More and  more

Dm7             G7            C
I thought I could live without  romance
Dm7       G7      C
U – u - until you came to me
Em7    A         D         Bm
But now I know, that I will go on
Em7          A     D   D7
Loving you eternally

G            Em          Am          D7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
G         G7              C
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Cm                        Em   E7
I want you, I need you, I love you
A7    D   G
With all   my  heart

Dm7             G7            C
I thought I could live without  romance
Dm7       G7      C
U – u - until you came to me
Em7    A         D         Bm
But now I know, that I will go on
Em7          A     D   D7
Loving you eternally

G              Em          Am           D7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
G          G7            C
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Cm                        Em  E7
I want you, I need you, I love you
A7     D   G
With all   my heart

INTRO:  Bm  E7  A  Fm   E

A              F#m            Bm                E7
Hold me close, hold me tight, make me thrill with de - light
A            A7             D
Let me know where I stand from the start
Dm                       F#m  F#7
I want you, I need you, I love you
B7       E
With all my heart

A                F#m           Bm           E7
Every time that you're near, all my cares disa - ppear
A              A7          D
Darling you're all that I'm living for
Dm                       F#m   F#7
I want you, I need you,  I love you
B7    E    A
More and  more

Em7             A7            D
I thought I could live without  romance
Em7       A7      D
U – u - until you came to me
F#m7   B         E         C#m
But now I know, that I will go on
F#m7         B     E   E7
Loving you eternally

A            F#m         Bm          E7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
A         A7              D
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Dm                        F#m  F#7
I want you, I need you, I love you
B7    E   A
With all   my  heart

Em7             A7            D
I thought I could live without  romance
Em7       A7      D
U – u - until you came to me
F#m7   B         E         C#m
But now I know, that I will go on
F#m7         B     E   E7
Loving you eternally

A              F#m         Bm           E7
Won't you please by my own, never leave me a - lone
A          A7            D
Cause I die every time we're a - part
Dm                        F#m F#7
I want you, I need you, I love you
B7     E   A
With all   my heart

Blog, Updated at: 14.18

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