Posting kali ini akan mengulas chord dan lirik lagu Why Do You Love Me yang dinyanyikan oleh Koes Plus
D Em D A D
D F#m
The time has come that we must be apart
Em A
The memory is still in my mind
But you have gone and you leave me alone
D Bm
Why do you love me
G A A7
So sweet and tenderly
D Bm
I do everything to make you happy
Em G A
u u u u u u u u u u u
D F#m
But now everything it's only a dream
Em A
A dream that never comes
I only wait till true love will come
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D F#m
The time has come that we must be apart
Em A
The memory is still in my mind
But you have gone and you leave me alone
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Koes Plus - Why Do You Love Me Chord
Posted by Chord Hero
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Blog, Updated at: 22.23
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