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Pearl Jam - Down

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Dalam posting kali ini  Ritmisdinamis akan mengulas chord dan lirik Down yang dinyanyikan oleh Pearl Jam            

Intro :
G C G C G D x2

verse : (i play these open)
G     C         G       C   G       D
down, ah by the wayside, no getting out
G     C        G    C      G      D
oh down, cry me a river dried up and dammed

chorus: (barred chords sound better here)
A                B           C                      D
the names can be changed but the place is still the same
D           D                  A             G(into verse chords during solo)
i am clothed and told that alls for now, holds me down


G     C         G      C    G        D
rise, life is a motion, i'm stuck in line
rise, you can't be neutral on a moving train

A               B               C                      D
the day the symptoms fade think i'll throw these pills away
D        D                   A            G(play a couple measures before bridge)
if hope can flow from dirt like me it can be done

bridge: (open chords again)
E            A                 C
wont let the light escape from me   D
wont let the darkness swallow me,   yeah


Jamaican-style ending: (single strums alternating beats)
G  C  (repeat, end on G) 

Blog, Updated at: 23.11

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